About Us
We are a congregation dedicated to proclaiming the truth of God's word and sharing the life-transforming gospel of God's love in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
As a conservative, confessional Lutheran Church, Wayfarer's Chapel Lutheran Church is committed to the historic Christian faith as revealed in the Bible, the written word of God, the verbally inspired and inerrant Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. All the teaching and practice of our congregation conforms to that standard.
Wayfarer's also accepts and confesses all of the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, contained in the Book of Concord of 1580, as a true and sound exposition of Christian doctrine, drawn from and in agreement with the Holy Scriptures.
Concerning worship practice, Wayfarer's is a liturgical Lutheran church. The historic liturgies found in The Lutheran Hymnal (TLH) are used in our worship services. Our aim is to provide a reverent, churchly setting during worship, to the glory of our Lord and the edification of all who worship here.
Wayfarer's is an independent Lutheran congregation, not officially affiliated with any synod. However, if we were to characterize our doctrine and practice in synodical terms, we would classify our church as "Old Missouri Synod." We are evangelical in the truest sense of the word while not compromising faithfulness to Christ's word in doctrine or practice.
About our Pastor
Our pastor, Rev. Leslie R. Lanier, graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana in 1994. After serving LCMS congregations in Michigan and Minnesota, he accepted the call to Wayfarer's and was installed as Pastor here in September of 2001. Prior to entering the Ministry, Pastor Lanier served in the U.S. Navy and then logged and cut timber in the woods in Oregon. He and his wife, Elisabeth, return to the Oregon coast several times each year to dig clams and fish for salmon and so that Pastor can hunt ducks and geese.